Monday, December 10, 2007

The Bright Orange Book

We had a team meeting instead of practice on Friday. From now until Jan. 3 practices will be on our own. In place of having team practices for the next three weeks, we were given bright orange books with our workouts in them. They have been stuffed full of interval workouts, weight training schedules, and results of past meets.
On top of the information we need to train on our own, the meet schedule for the season is printed on the back. After taking a gander at it, I realized just how much time track is going to consume. Compared to cross country, track is a long season. Indoor track rolls straight into outdoor competition with only a week off in between (if you qualify for nationals, two weeks off if you don't).
There was a little humor handed out with the bright orange books. On the inside cover lists the Coyote Track and Field Faculty. As athletes received their books they quickly noticed the misprint. Turns out that Coach Kindler's previous team, Kansas Wesleyan, was the Coyotes. Needless to say, the 'Cats gave him a little grief for the mistake.
Break is looking to be relaxing if the expected ice storm doesn't prevent me from heading home when I wanted. Hopefully, the roads will be cleared by then, or better yet, we just won't get any ice.