Tuesday, November 13, 2007

On the Track

I attended my first track practice yesterday afternoon, and compared to the fall season of cross country, track's workload is looking promising.
Let me fill you in on the happenings of the rest of the 'Cats. Some of the cross country runners are going to Louisiana for a half marathon in Baton Rouge the beginning of December. To prepare for this, they are spending their off season logging as many, if not more, long-slow miles. Yesterday they went on a ten mile run while me and some other middle distance track people switched to actual track practice.
Our workout consisted of walk/jogging to the track, stretching, drills, and done. Yes, that is correct. My watch, which I did not have to use because I did not have to run continuous miles, read 4:14 p.m. A miracle for me. Needless to say, I am looking forward to practice this afternoon and tomorrow. A red, eight-lane track beats ten miles any day, for me at least.
Dec. 8 is the first chance for the Wildcats to compete. Only a few tracksters will get to compete at the first meet. It is mostly division one and division two schools, so Coach will only be taking the athletes that he feels are ready for strong competition that early in the season. As for me, I doubt I will be in those select few with my illness a few weeks earlier and just now getting back into training, but nevertheless, I have high hopes for track..

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