Friday, January 4, 2008

Clean Up

We're back. The 'Cats bundled up in tights, under armor, hoodies, hats, and gloves to fight off the winter chill. As we sat in the gym most of us wondered if we had ran enough over the break to get us through this practice alive. We soon found out that we wouldn't be running. Immediately after the sigh of relief came the groan. Instead, we would be clearing the snow off the track.
When we got to the track, we went out in small teams and alternated the work (as to make sure none of us froze). There were two guys in the front with snow shovels, then two more guys with upside down rakes, and then a trail of about six girls with brooms. We kept this formation and switched every six minutes. Two hours had gone by and we weren't even down with the first curve.
My thoughts? I thought I had left the farm? Why do we have a maintenance crew if we have to clear the track? After two hours of everyone complaining, including me, we had cleared 150 meters, apparently enough for coach. We were done.
I would have to say, I think I would have rather had an actual practice. We will have practices on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon because of promising weather. The forecast predicts 60 degrees, I'll have to dig out my shorts!
Our first meet will be on Jan. 11, in Lamoni, Iowa.

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