Wednesday, February 27, 2008

In Preparation

As the rest of the team starts to transition to outdoor track workouts, ten of us have our focus set on Indoor Nationals in just under two weeks. There is a lot to do on top of keeping a strong mental focus during practice.
We leave early Wednesday, Feb. 5, from "beautiful Baldwin City" (according to Coach). So, that leaves me with the chore of collecting piles of homework. I am not happy to say I am missing two tests that I can't make up until after Spring Break.
There is also the laundry issue. It has formed its own community in my room again. I actually think it’s staring at me as I sit at my desk ignoring it. Inevitably, it will all have to be washed before I leave so I have something clean to wear.
And of course there is the packing itself. Hopefully I can manage to remember all the essentials in what I'm sure will be a scurry Tuesday night to shove all items in my suitcase.
Besides all the smalls things, the trip looks to be an enjoyable experience. I will let you know how it goes because I honestly have no idea what to expect.

1 comment:

DC Talk said...

Just keep your nose to the grindstone. Sounds like you'll have some fun.