Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just Call Me Murphy

Murphy's Law roughly states anything that can go wrong will go wrong. That statement seems to be holding quite true for my life. The past few days have been overflowing with bad luck.
After a long day of fighting through minute problems, I had a clumsy moment that ended being the cherry on top of what is about to be as sucky-week sundae.
A good friend of mine, Chris Scheideman, was picking me up outside Irwin to go to Sonic. I wasn't in a hurry, I wasn't messing around, and I definitely wasn't looking at the sidewalk. As soon as my shoes touched the glassy surface my body was briefly airborne before I hit the pavement. Luckily, my greater trochanter, the large bone in your upper thigh that seems to stick out a little bit, broke my fall. I was immediately welcomed by sharp, stabbing pains down my leg and into my lower back. Chris kindly got out of the car to make sure I wasn’t dead, and I tried to brush it off as much as possible.
In the morning I realized there was something wrong besides just a bruise and some soreness. I ended up sitting in a doctor's office for a couple of hours waiting for x-rays. As of now I do not have any fractures, but I can't run until all the pain is gone when I am walking. So, with conference coming fast I am patiently waiting for things to hurry up and heal.
The only good news is that things have to get better from here....right?

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