Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"Why Not?"

The Baker women's 4x400 meter relay team has done it again. We qualified for outdoor nationals last week at the Conference track meet at Central Methodist with a time of 3:58.66, a new school record. Where, I might add, both the women and men's team placed third overall.
It had been a successful weekend already with personal records for me in my split of the 4x800 meter relay and the open 800 meter run. Katey Wegemer had already competed in nine other events, Kelsey Heckathorne had qualified for finals in the 200 meter dash and set a new personal record in the open 400 meter dash, and Ashlee Miller did her usual sweeping of all her events. We were dead tired. While warming up we decided, "Why not?" (which was also our team motto for the weekend). Why not just go bust out some sub-60 second quarters and qualify for nationals. And we did just that.
Along with the success of the Baker Track and Field team comes a minor downfall. Our team qualified so many people in so many events that according to NAIA rules they cannot all go. So, in the excitement of qualifying there is a difficult decision to be made.

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