Thursday, September 6, 2007

One Down, Another One on Friday

Our first meet went well. The girl's team came in fourth overall, versus last year's seventh place finish. As far as my personal experience, you can call me a fortune teller. My previous post pretty much explains what happened. That's okay though, at least I was prepared.
I'll tell you the one thing that kept my mind off how nervous I was right before the race; stripping down from sweats to spandex! My high school uniform consisted of a close cousin of the basketball shorts and a loose tank top. Saturday's attire was a change. Of course, as soon as the gun went off my mind wasn't on how uncomortable I felt.
Tomorrow we leave for a meet in Missouri. The course should have "rolling hills," which in this part of the country I've found to be close to mountainous when you have to run them. Other than that, it should be fun getting to experience my first away meet with my new team.
Oh, and props to my roommate, Mary, for coming in number one on the girls side.

1 comment:

Dave said...

This is good blog writing. I appreciate the details and the honesty.