Monday, September 24, 2007


The BU Wildcat Cross Country team found proof that Kansas is indeed as "flat as a pancake" (at least in some places). Saturday's meet was held at Marion Reservoir about two hours west of here. A ditch next to one of the roads the course intersected was the biggest incline for the whole 5K.
When coach told us the course was going to be flat I was initially excited. Finally, a course with some relief. Well, it wasn't more than a mile or so into the race before I realized just how monotonous this run was going to be. There was absolutely zero change, as far as elevation was concerned.
The scenery was interesting, though. The first part curved pretty distinctly to the right and then wrapped us back around into a "nature trail." This part was a nightmare for anyone with allergies, mostly because we were surrounded by sunflower-like plants on both sides. Then we disappeared into the trees for quite a ways before emerging back into the sunlight in front of the spectators.
Overall, we had a good meet. We finished fourth (and it might be worth mentioning, Kansas Wesleyan, coach's old school, finished two spots in front of us...awkward) and the top three girls, Mary, me, and Amber, were all within three seconds of each other. This week we compete at Emporia. Gun goes off at 5:00 p.m., and this one is close enough to invite you all to come watch.

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