Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Ups and Downs

If you haven't already noticed, my blogs are getting distanced by more and more time each entry. I will go ahead and blame this on an increasingly busy schedule, and also, the fact that I've needed almost a week to regain enough strength to type.
Consider the following: wake-up, sometimes a morning run, inhale some breakfast, off to class, grab some lunch, head to the library for study hall, get back to my room and change for practice, spend 15 minutes complaining about how I don't want to go to practice, get to practice, run, abs, stretch, weights, dinner, crash.
The good news is mileage is slowing down. Coach is easing off a little bit, and we're getting our legs back underneath us. The bad news is between allergy season approaching and having practice in the chilly rain, most of us are getting colds. It's okay though, it makes our voices sound funny, and that'll make us laugh.
This week we head off to Lincoln, NB, to run at the Woody Greeno Invitational, where we will be reminded that there are a lot of incredibly talented runners in this country. And also, that there are a lot of hills in this country. I will let you all know how we hold up.

1 comment:

Dave said...

No need to apologize -- once a week is plenty to keep everyone posted