Monday, October 29, 2007

Back to Writing but Not to Running

If you are here because you clicked the link from the cross country article, then you already know how the HAAC conference meet went for me. I did not go at all. Around 3 a.m. I woke up with a 102 degree temperature and a sore, swollen throat. After calling coach, I spent the morning of Sept. 20 sitting in a walk-in medical center in Lawrence trying to get some relief from my symptoms, while my teammates lined up on a moist, windy course.
I was treated for strep throat on Saturday, but as the antibiotics proved to be providing no relief I returned to the medical center on Monday morning only to test positive for Mono. I stayed in Lawrence for the next few days while my boyfriend made sure I was staying hydrated and keeping my fever down.
After suffering through five days of a swollen throat and fever I drove the three hours home to see my family doctor. There they took more of my blood and confirmed the medical clinic's advice to not run for a minimum of four weeks.
The women's team came in fifth, which is two places lower than expected. I feel bad for not being able to run for the team, but there was not a whole lot I could do about being sick. I wish them the best of luck at the regional meet next weekend, and hopefully I will be able to train soon and get ready for indoor track.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Did You Say Stop?

The single most bizarre and irritating experience in my cross country history happened on Saturday at the Mid-States Classic in Winfield. All 32 teams were lined up, the gun went off, and about 600 meters later the leaders took a wrong turn. Almost 40 women in the front pack missed a left hand turn and got at least a 200 yard lead. After mass confusion on the course, of which I found myself almost to a complete stop, the rest of the pack continued on the right course. Around the one mile mark people were telling us to stop running. The race was officially stopped and one hour later all the women lined back up and raced again.
Next Saturday is the conference meet held in Olathe. Being so close to home will be convenient and beneficial. We won't have to leave incredibly early in the morning like last Saturday (5:45 a.m.) and we will be able to go to the course ahead of time and run on it. The womens team is ranked third in conference and there are high hopes for the race.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Mid-Season and Midterms

This weekend was splendid. There was no nervousness and no exhaustion. Even though we ran both days on our own, not having a meet provided a much needed stress-free break. Getting to spend time with my family was great, and I have to admit I got a little depressed as I drove away from them on my way back last night.
This week looks to allow us fresh legs for Saturday's meet at Winfield. Tonight will bring a hard workout followed by easy miles tomorrow morning (6 a.m. to be exact). From now on the Baker 'Cats Cross Country team will be up before the sun on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but relieving us of practice in the afternoon.
With midterms all this week, I'm sure most of us will be feeling some extra stress and spending late hours in the library. The good news is that if the freshmen have GPA's above a 3.0, then they no longer have to clock in three hours a week in the library (even though I'll still be spending that much time in there anyways).
The miles have been backing off with Conference approaching, and that is wonderful news. It's amazing how fast this season has been going, and soon I won't have anything to blog about. But until then, I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Time For a Break

As the season reaches the halfway point, we finally get a weekend off. Sweet relief lies ahead with a weekend lacking a meet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy competing, but this is going to be a beneficial break.
Not only will it help us rest our legs before the Mid-State Classic at Winfield, it's going to give the team a chance to go home and spend time with their families. I plan on spending my weekend back home in Cheney chatting with my parents, going shopping with my grandma, and getting to chill with my sisters.
As far as last weekend's meet at Jones Park in Emporia went, a lot of the team had new personal best, while I struggled to finish the race. It was a warmer day on a grassy, tree covered course which aggravated my exercise induced asthma. Needless to say, the next meet will be a better one for me.