Monday, October 8, 2007

Mid-Season and Midterms

This weekend was splendid. There was no nervousness and no exhaustion. Even though we ran both days on our own, not having a meet provided a much needed stress-free break. Getting to spend time with my family was great, and I have to admit I got a little depressed as I drove away from them on my way back last night.
This week looks to allow us fresh legs for Saturday's meet at Winfield. Tonight will bring a hard workout followed by easy miles tomorrow morning (6 a.m. to be exact). From now on the Baker 'Cats Cross Country team will be up before the sun on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but relieving us of practice in the afternoon.
With midterms all this week, I'm sure most of us will be feeling some extra stress and spending late hours in the library. The good news is that if the freshmen have GPA's above a 3.0, then they no longer have to clock in three hours a week in the library (even though I'll still be spending that much time in there anyways).
The miles have been backing off with Conference approaching, and that is wonderful news. It's amazing how fast this season has been going, and soon I won't have anything to blog about. But until then, I'll keep you posted.

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