Monday, October 15, 2007

Did You Say Stop?

The single most bizarre and irritating experience in my cross country history happened on Saturday at the Mid-States Classic in Winfield. All 32 teams were lined up, the gun went off, and about 600 meters later the leaders took a wrong turn. Almost 40 women in the front pack missed a left hand turn and got at least a 200 yard lead. After mass confusion on the course, of which I found myself almost to a complete stop, the rest of the pack continued on the right course. Around the one mile mark people were telling us to stop running. The race was officially stopped and one hour later all the women lined back up and raced again.
Next Saturday is the conference meet held in Olathe. Being so close to home will be convenient and beneficial. We won't have to leave incredibly early in the morning like last Saturday (5:45 a.m.) and we will be able to go to the course ahead of time and run on it. The womens team is ranked third in conference and there are high hopes for the race.

1 comment:

Chansi said...

That is hilarious. Ha!